Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Getting Serious - rebate breeds ambition

So around mid-summer I got pretty excited about making home-made ice cream.  I made a batch or two with a friend and starting shopping around for an ice cream machine. I found out about this one through a Williams-Sonoma eblast which was 20% off with a $25 rebate. 
I got the rebate just in time to start the 6 week cooking class I'm taking through the restaurant school at Walnut Hill College and bought this knife caddy.

More on home-made ice cream flavors coming soon.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Fun Philly Weekend

Though we had some threats of hurricane Earl the weekend weather could not have been anymore beautiful. We started out the weekend with some intense Philadelphia Live Arts/Philly Fringe performances including a one man Beckett performance, a acrobatic-furituristic dance piece, a and comic submarine play. Sarah saw 7 performances total, while I passed on the ones I could live without seeing and got a lot of work done in the basement. We still had time to also take tour of the Philadelphia Brewing Company brewery with a friend that was in town to see some shows. This took us outside of our normal city confines and got to seem some new architecture. 

A building I saw a few weeks ago that I thought was really beautiful. On the PBC tour I learned it was once a brewery. Or at least it looks exactly like a picture I saw of old breweries in Philly. 
Multi-million dollar home in a neighborhood that's part old school row homes, part urban jungle (chickens and junk yards), part new green housing projects.