As a confirmed, admitted, self-described Luddite, I have avoided blogging in the same way I avoid large screen TVs, cars that seat seven in comfort, and any food that has the adjective 'convenient' as part of its name. After all, the road to hell is paved with the hubcaps of SUVs and eight track tape players. But, alas, I don't want to become a complete, live-under-a-bridge misanthrope, so if that is to be avoided, I need to start playing the game. So here I am.
Now, what the hell to say so that I will not appear anywhere near as boring as I feel? Oh, I know. I've been painting. For the last year or so, I've been putting brush to canvas, doing something that I had wanted to do for over 20 years. I realize that it isn't as glamorous as roller derby, and a video of me painting would be the cure for insomnia, but hey, I like it. I am going to be really bold and try to attach a pic of one of my paintings to this blog. If the entire world wide web suddenly ceases functioning today, you'll know I pressed the wrong button, and the Luddites have finally won...
In other news, a friend (quite possibly a soon-to-be-ex-friend) gave us a piano. Andrew had been teaching himself on a little electric keyboard that he got in a garage sale many years ago. Needless to say, the keyboard left much to be desired. Like a friggin'-baby-grand-piano. So, I got home from a stint at work to find this thing already settled into our home. Don't ask how he got it to fit. I have to say, it does sound much better than the keyboard. I just hope that he will stop playing it someday and do something else, like bathe or eat. Dexter the parrot has fallen in cautious love with the piano, sitting under it and staring at it with lust in his eyes. But enough about them, I'm going to try to attach a photo now...
Holy crap batman, it worked! It isn't where I expected it to be, but I'm not gonna complain. OK, gotta get the dog to the beach now.