We had a great evening. Kyler, as always, is great in the teacher role and he lead the evening in front of a very interested audience - even remembering most of the tunes to the songs. I was the only person who had experienced a Jewish Passover dinner, but we got our crew to try all the food (with some even liking gefiltie fish), sing the songs and drink a lot of wine.
We had 16 people at dinner, which yes, is a large dinner party. We brought in a folding table and chairs for backup and thanks to a combination of wedding gifts, everyone was able to eat off of and with real dishes. Yet we still have a ton of left over potatoes and brisket. And dishes to wash---nope, still haven't done that yet. Since Kyler cleaned, cooked and prepared all day (I was helping host a baby shower for my officemate), I shall be washing 16 wine glasses among other things tonight. This will be my exciting night while Kyler is gone to Idaho to get a couple horses bred.
On a closing note, Kyler and I went to the opera Sunday afternoon. (It was a glorious day and we should have just been lounging outside, but we had to get our culture in!) We saw the Gilbert and Sullivan 'comedic opera', The Mikado. I meant to take a picture in front of the Pioneer Center for the Performing Arts, which looks like a gold golf ball buried in the ground, but forgot - so this is the Truckee River that runs through downtown.
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