Well if not- we would appreciate a photo or anecdote from time to time. Why are we only hearing from these guys?- Although they are fascinating I'm sure they are not the only ones with things to share.

There are no excuses- even if you have nothing to post- just make a comment on someone's post so we know you are visiting and alive and well.
If you forgot your password - reset it. Please comment to this post if you have any other technical hang-ups.
Yeah why is no one else hanging in there? I love when you guys post new stuff and would really like to hear from more people. My Dad just took about 2000 photos in Switzerland, haven't seen any of them on here yet.
Exactly!!! Darryl where are you photos from Switzerland.
Way to get the call out to the masses! Sometimes it just takes a bit of tough love.
Yeah what the... wait are the only people who post the ones who are commenting on the blog... does this mean that the others have gone AWOL or MIA or even worse... have just stopped using the computer altogether and are living in geometric compounds eating sprouts and singing Waco cult songs?
You should have gotten the email with the 400 photos that were distilled from the original 2500+. If you didn't for some reason, go to http://picasaweb.google.com/Carol.J.B/SwissHoneymoon?feat=email# Have the sound on because some of them are videos. If you only click through the thumbnail pictures, be sure to watch the video on the 19th line that is just after the pic of the white edelweiss.
BTW, the book version is coming soon - somewhere around 30 pages. There will be a quiz.
So what do I need to do to post something original? All I know how to do is comment on someone else's post.
Great Carol, I'll check out your photos. I've just invited you to the blog thru your yahoo email. Make a profile and the rest is easy.
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